Number Questions

Ask your viewers to provide a number response to an interactive question within your video

Ask your viewers to respond to a question with a specific number to ensure properly formatted responses.

Whether you need to ask for the year someone was born, how many children they have or how many cookies they’d like to eat, choosing a number response question will enforce that their response is a whole / integer number. By either exporting that data from Mindstamp or connecting Mindstamp to your existing CRM, data warehouse, pricing or any other business system you can be sure of the format and integrity of the answer to drive subsequent actions.

Common Implementations

Asking for Zip Codes

If you need zip codes to offer specific services you can collect that in a Mindstamp Interactive video with a number response. Mindstamp can assist you on setting parameters for number response questions, including minimum digits (5 for zip codes) or positive vs. negative numbers.

Counts or Quantities

You may want to ask how many times a year a prospect uses a specific product or service and based on their answer use conditional logic (by tracking their answer in a variable) to guide them to content specific to their usage patterns. Conversely you may want to capture how many licenses a customer might need for a software product or how many loads of laundry they do a week to better tailor subsequent marketing.

Demographics Research

Simple questions like total members of a household, number of dependents, number of pets or years of education can be easy to ask during an interactive video because viewers are actively engaged in the interactive video experience. By combining this demographic data with other behavioral information captured during the video you can create and export robust personas even of anonymous viewers.

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