Multiple Choice Questions

Use multiple choice questions within your videos to quickly and easily gain valuable information and on your viewers.

Consumers today are looking for content that’s engaging, strikes a deep connection, and elicits strong responses that make people want to take action. While videos are considered the top source of content for consumers, these days video content without any type of interactivity can be boring and ineffective.

On top of that, there’s no way of knowing if your viewers are paying attention, let alone comprehending the information you're presenting to them. That’s where interactive video steps in as an easy way to transform any existing content into engaging, meaningful experiences.

There are a variety of ways to engage with your audience, but interactive questions are a great way to check-in with your audience and receive immediate feedback. Asking your viewers to respond to a question within your video allows you to not only gather valuable feedback on each viewer but also understand how they’re interacting with your content.

Multiple-choice questions, specifically, gives you the opportunity to quickly and easily learn about your audience without asking too much of them. 

What are the benefits of multiple-choice questions in videos? 

1. Quick and easy to answer: Viewers are more likely to respond if they are able to offer an immediate answer. This will also ultimately lead to higher completion rates as viewers feel less pressure to answer. Asking the audience to provide longer form answers, like in a free response, may deter them from answering and potentially skipping the question altogether; however, a multiple-choice question gives them the ability to easily give their response, and still leaves you with valuable insights. 

2. Create Branching Experiences: Offer users a number of options and select an ‘action’ that takes place upon answer selection. You could ask viewers what they’re interested in learning about, for instance, and send each one to a corresponding endpoint. Viewers who say “Engineering” may route to a video tailored to them. Users who answer “Science” may be taken to a website to sign up for the next conference, etc. This sort of “fork in the road” routing allows you to customize content to each individual viewer. 

3. Ask more questions: Since the questions are much easier to answer, you’re able to ask more questions that allow you to get a deeper understanding of your audience. Most people assume that with multiple-choice the answers are superficial and don’t lead to a clear picture; however, by asking several quick-to-respond questions, you’re able to get the information you need without asking too much of your audience. 

4. Simple to analyze, interpret and draw conclusions: With multiple-choice questions, you can easily sift through the responses to derive insights. Rather than having to read various long-form responses, you can generate insights by simply looking at trends within the response data. 

How can I use multiple-choice questions within my video?


Multiple-choice questions are a quick way to get customer feedback. Whether you want an opinion on a specific product or your brand in general, these questions can be geared to help you make smarter marketing decisions. As mentioned above, customers will be more likely to answer a quick, simple question than a long-form response. More respondents mean more of an accurate representation of your audience. 

Example question: How would you rate your experience with our product?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied
  • [Mindstamp video example]


You sometimes can't tell how much information is retained by trainees after watching online training videos. Interactive video allows you to check in with your viewers at different points throughout your training video using multiple-choice questions as a quiz to make sure they are actually comprehending the materials.

Use this information to understand what topics may not be getting through to your employees. You can also use multiple-choice questions to evaluate the overall sentiment towards the training and whether it was perceived well by employees. You can also “Repeat until the question is answered correctly” and perform specific actions on wrong answers. For example, if a wrong answer is selected, a short video from the instructor explaining why that isn’t the correct answer could appear. 


It’s never too late to gather more information about your sales prospects, whether they're just starting their purchasing journey or close to purchasing. Adding multiple-choice questions to your sales videos will give you a deeper insight into the needs and goals of your sales prospects. You can then tailor future messaging toward potential customers' goals by using interactive videos. 

Example: What are your top business priorities right now?

  • Increase sales
  • Generate awareness 
  • Increase market share
  • Attract new customers

Key Takeaways

Your video content can be enhanced with multiple-choice questions to increase engagement and easily collect consumer responses. By answering these questions, you gain additional insight into your company's audience and can develop a successful strategy going forward.

Learn more about how to add questions to your videos with Mindstamp’s interactive video platform, or sign up for your free trial to start gathering valuable feedback from your viewers today!

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