How Virtual Reality and Interactive Video Is Changing Video Production

From shooting movies using virtual backgrounds to editing videos, virtual reality (VR) has significantly influenced the video production industry. For instance, in 2016, the Cannes Film Festival became the first ever to showcase VR short films and presentations in an area entirely dedicated to VR. 

Such applications of VR were unheard of a couple of decades back. And with the VR industry estimated to grow to $22 billion by 2025, you can expect more and more VR applications to make their way into the video production industry.  

VR doesn’t just mean videos that you watch wearing a headset, it includes how sets, ‘physical’ objects and transitions happen in videos, and it’s getting easier than ever for everyone to use. Combined with Interactive Video like that provided by Mindstamp, unbelievably high quality and engaging video experiences can be created for costs that fit into most corporate marketing and training budgets.

So, exactly how are VR and interactivity changing video production? Step into the future and keep reading to find out how virtual reality is changing video production.

Film Makers Are Now Using Virtual Sets 

Ever watched the hit TV series called The Mandalorian? This Emmy-nominated TV series is a fan favorite, especially for Star Wars enthusiasts. However, you might not know that the actors in the production set worked with equipment that generated virtual backgrounds and environments!

While shooting on set, the actors could see the surroundings, but the surroundings weren’t actually there. The background was cast by LED screens generated before filming, thanks to powerful video game engines. The video production team used virtual sets over the traditional green screens. 

Jon Favreau, the creator and executive producer of The Mandalorian, was at the heart of this brilliant application of VR tools. He revolutionized virtual production while working on other major productions, including The Jungle Book and The Lion King. However, the Mandalorian represents one of the first-ever major film productions to avoid reliance on green screens. 

Such technology has many advantages, including better lighting, smooth filming, and affordability. Actors are also massive beneficiaries of this technology, as they perform in better virtual environments and backgrounds (especially when compared to green screens).           

And yes, the cinematic results are incredibly noticeable. The film looks brighter, smoother, and downright better when compared to films shot using green screens. 

The good news is this same technology is increasingly available to agencies and producers building videos for marketing and training purposes. For instance, using a VR background that shows content specific to what the speaker is describing means the quality goes well beyond green screen, and you can then activate that content using interactive tools like hotspots. With seamless transitions to new videos or a new time in the video leveraging Mindstamp’s change video or change time controls, branching and choose-your-own-adventure videos are even more powerful.

Video Editors Can Now Edit Videos in VR

Editing in the virtual world might sound like a farfetched concept to most, but for many editors, it’s their reality. The video production process also involves video editing. Video editors typically use apps and software such as Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, and DaVinci Resolve. However, these professionals can now edit videos in virtual reality!

Those immersive videos you watch on YouTube were most likely edited using Dashwood 360VR. This toolbox gives users 180 and 360-degree VR monitoring capabilities while editing in Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro.

This means that as a video editor, you can now wear the same VR headset as your viewers during the editing process. Such technology makes it easier to find any imperfections and correct them before publishing videos.

Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects allow users to add effects and transitions using VR Headsets. These effects are formatted for 180 and 360 footage, meaning editors won't have to deal with unwanted artifacts such as visible seams or distortions.

Such freedom, driven by a sense of creating engaging experiences, is what makes VR a growing yet important asset in the video production industry.

For 180 videos rendered in a website, all of the same interactive experiences Mindstamp provides today will work via the web browser and hand-based controllers. Rather than clicking a mouse on a hotspot, users can reach out and touch it with their VR hand and experience all of the same interactive power.

VR Videos + Interactive Elements Create Engaging Viewer Experiences

Virtual Reality is slowly but surely getting a firm grip over our internet and overall technology. Just as powerful are interactive elements in videos which let viewers can engage with the content in a manner that was never possible before.

Imagine an interactive travel video in a headset experience where every click by the viewer takes them to a new location or destination. VR videos make the whole viewing experience much more immersive and engaging. The ability to interact with the content in a VR environment helps to create an experience that is far more memorable and engaging than a video displayed on a small screen.

The Netflix show Black Mirror is a great example of how adding interactive elements to a video can create an extremely engaging experience. By allowing viewers to choose different scenes, help choose the endings for the show's various characters, and even influence the plot, Black Mirror provided a unique experience that kept the viewers hooked and wanting more. The show was so popular that many people were looking for ways to access it, and some even resorted to using VPNs for Netflix to try and watch it. Fortunately with Mindstamp, you can create your own video like Black Mirror anywhere in the world, like this vampire-themed movie created via Mindstamp.

Entertainment that provides an immersive and interactive experience is becoming increasingly popular among viewers, and by taking advantage of the interactive elements that VR can provide, creators can create an experience that is truly one of a kind.

Bottom Line

The video production industry is a testament to the growing influence of VR, right from the way we make videos to how we consume them. The technology is driven by a deeper purpose – to bring engaging experiences in cinematic storytelling. Likewise, Mindstamp has the same objective. To make videos more engaging and immersive for every viewer. Get started today.

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