How to Create Shoppable WooCommerce Videos in Seconds

The secret is out: Shoppable Video is the next big thing!

With more companies selling products online, it's only natural to use interactive video to create the perfect shopping experience for their customers.

Shoppable Video presents sales, marketing, and advertising with an entertaining twist, leading to increased engagement when compared to traditional photo + text listings. It allows you to present products in a fun, interactive manner that enables viewers to learn more about a product, add it to their cart, and complete a purchase directly from the video.

With over 5,000,000 sites using WooCommerce today, the popular Wordpress store platform was an obvious choice for us here at Mindstamp when considering how we might support customers wanting to create shoppable videos.

With Mindstamp's one-click connection to your store, it's easier than ever to create a shoppable video from your WooCommerce store in seconds. Follow these 3 simple steps to get your products in front of your audience in a new and exciting way!

Step 1: Paste your Store Link in Mindstamp's WooCommerce Integration Page

Drop the link to your store in the box and press submit. You'll then be shown all of the products in your store with searchable titles, images, and descriptions. 

Step 2: Select Relevant Products and Save the Video

Choose one or more products to include in the video. We'll automatically space them out for a consistent and satisfying experience.

Step 3: Share or Embed Your Video and Get Sales! 

Once you're done, press save and BOOM - your new shoppable video is ready to go! 

No waiting around or rendering, Mindstamp makes it available instantly.

Once saved, you can press SHARE to copy a direct link to your video to share with your audience, or copy and embed code that allows you to place it on your store, landing page, blog, or any other website you own!

Bonus Step: Create another Shoppable Video!

This process is instant and repeatable, so you can continue to create new videos, share them, track conversions, and more with different combinations of products. 

Learn More about Shoppable Video with WooCommerce

We're always keeping you up to date on the latest and greatest in interactive video, shoppable experiences, store integrations, and more. Get in touch today for a personalized demo!

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