Interactive Video: Guide Viewers Through The Sales Funnel

March 29, 2022

As soon as a prospect hears about your product or service, they will begin their journey through your sales funnel. This funnel is a multi-stage process that illustrates a customer’s interaction with a brand beginning with initial awareness and ending with the goal to take action and convert into a loyal customer. With 68% of companies not having identified or attempted to measure a sales funnel, your business can gain a competitive advantage by looking at prospects through the lens of the buyer’s journey. 

The sales funnel is grouped into several stages—awareness, interest, decision, and action—and requires you to provide customers with the information they need to move further down the funnel and ultimately take action. Each customer journey through the funnel is different, and it can be hard to know exactly where your customers are located within the funnel at any given time. That’s why it’s critical to include marketing tactics and messaging that reach customers in each stage of the funnel. 

With 78% of people watching online videos each week, videos are a great way to engage with potential customers no matter where they are within the buyer’s journey. By incorporating interactive video elements within your marketing and sales videos, you can maximize your engagement with all of your potential customers at every point. Whether they are just learning about your product or service or they are ready to make a purchase, interactive videos can serve as a powerful tool to gain information about your contacts and provide the right content to your contacts at the right time.

Here’s a quick guide to the four stages of the sales funnel and how an interactive video platform like Mindstamp can be used to engage viewers in each stage.

Stage 1: Awareness

During this stage, contacts are just recognizing they have a need for your product or service and may be learning about your business for the first time. Whether they saw an online advertisement or heard about your brand from a friend, what’s important here is that your product or service is top-of-mind at this moment. Companies that use video marketing see a 54% increase in brand awareness. To help continue to drive interest, you’ll need to provide them with information in this stage that will make them want to learn more.

In this case, your interactive video may include more information about how your product or service can help solve their needs. The interactivity of Mindstamp videos meets the viewer at the point they want to learn more and responds to their specific needs. There are plenty of features available to incorporate into your marketing videos including comments, images, or video clips. You can even include hotspots or buttons that link to customer reviews or downloadable assets! Taking advantage of these Mindstamp features ensures that buyers have all the information they need to move on to the next stages of the sales funnel. 

Stage 2: Interest

Like the first stage, the interest stage is a continuation of information collection. However, at the end of this stage, your potential customer will decide whether or not they are interested in your product or service.

During this stage of the process, an interactive video can be used to collect information regarding their wants and needs using interactive features like questions that are housed directly into your video. Any responses from your questions can be collected and integrated into your CRM for future segmentation and nurturing opportunities. 

Also, adding a clickable subscribe button throughout your video is a great way to ensure that you’re able to keep supplying your interested contacts with more information. After all, the best way to nurture leads through the sales funnel is to send them the targeted information they need and want.

Stage 3: Decision

After taking time to provide information and form opinions regarding your brand, your potential customers will dive deeper into what you have to offer regarding features and packages. This information will help them determine if they want to purchase from your company.

Including interactive features within your video such as a CTA to schedule a demo or a hotspot that links to specific package web pages in this stage is a great way to lead users to more information while they’re already engaged and seeking information. 

You could also engage the viewer by incorporating clickable images of products that lead to more information. Having a high-quality photo that enlarges is an essential piece to your video since 63% of customers think that product image quality is more valuable than product information.

Stage 4: Action

The final stage of the buyer’s journey is where the prospect makes a decision to purchase or not. Using all the information they gathered about your business in the previous stages and videos you’ve shared with them, they will now decide whether or not your brand will meet their needs. 

An interactive sales video or demo video that serves customers in the action stage would include hotspots or buttons that link to web pages where they can directly purchase your product or service. This level of interactivity ensures the prospect stays engaged with your brand and is taken directly to a purchasing page when they are ready to take action. 

The vast majority of consumers only respond to marketing messages that are relevant to their needs and motivations. Take advantage of personalization features to display targeted messages that help further build your relationship with the customer during this critical stage of the buyer journey.

Final Thoughts…

With each stage of the sales funnel requiring different content, it’s essential that you are engaging with prospects in a way that meets their needs at every stage. Gone are the days where you can upload YouTube videos explaining your product or service. To truly connect with your audience and ensure they are taking action, you’ll need to find innovative ways to interact and engage with them. 

Interactive features allow you to bring any video to life and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Whether they are just collecting more information or if they are ready to make a purchase, interactive videos can help your business stand out from the competition. 

Ready to Invest in Interactive Video? 

Now that you know the power of interactive video, it’s time for you to start your journey through the sales funnel. 
Mindstamp is an interactive video solution that allows you to make any video engaging by adding interactive features such as buttons, hotspots, images, and more to your existing marketing or sales video. You must create content designed to reach your customers at every point in the sales funnel. Mindstamp can help you create interactive videos that increase viewer engagement, convert more leads, and sell more products.

Click here to get a demo of Mindstamp and see how it can enhance your business. Or start your free trial today to start converting more leads with your videos today!

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