July 2023 Newsletter

Introducing Giphy integration, Generative AI images, Unsplash + Pexels Integrations, and more!

Happy July! We're pleased to share some incredible updates to the Mindstamp platform with you today ☀️

Giphy Integration

Add millions of unique, animated GIFs to your videos! Our new Giphy integration makes it easier than ever to visually enrich your content, with all the click actions you know and love.

Generative AI Images

Have an idea? Mindstamp can make it real! Our new Generative AI image creator lets you create custom images via typed text. Just describe your desired output and choose your result!

Unsplash + Pexels Stock Library Integrations

In addition to Giphy and Pixabay, Mindstamp now integrates with Pexels and Unsplash, giving you more options than ever for stock imagery and video.

Saved Reports 

Create a custom report, and easily access it in the future. Our new Saved Reports functionality lets you save a combination of filters in the reporting view, so you can easily access that report again in the future. 

Post-Click Text Color

In June, we released an update that allowed you to change the background color of a button after being clicked. Now, you can change the color of the text too!

Branded Share Emails 

When you invite viewers to a Mindstamp video, the email now adheres to your brand (color, logo) and includes an animated gif or thumbnail from the video you're sharing. You can also choose a custom subject and email body, and the email will be sent from your personal address.

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That's all for this month! Keep an eye out next month for some more incredible updates. Don't hesitate to get in touch, or request a demo to get up to speed on the changes with the help of an expert!