September 2020 Newsletter

Introducing Custom Fonts, Seekbar Control, and Annual Pricing. Learn what's new, what's coming next, and announcements from Mindstamp HQ.

Happy September! Can you feel the change in the air? Here's what we've been up to...

New Features

Custom Fonts + Video Styles

You can now set custom styles at the account, group, and individual video level.

This empowers you to create unlimited unique designs, or stay consistent by choosing one for all of your videos. Custom fonts allow you to choose a Google Font to use on your videos to make them your own.

Seekbar Control

We heard your feedback and have added the ability to hide the seekbar from viewers. This helps you ensure they watch the video from start to finish without skipping around.

Additionally, when the seekbar is visible, it fades out quicker in non-collaboration mode to produce a more immersive viewing experience.

You can control seekbar visibility in the video settings tab.

Annual Pricing + Single Video Plan

Love Mindstamp? We’re happy to now offer annual subscriptions! View the discounted annual prices here and let us know if you’d like to take advantage of these savings.

Love Mindstamp but only need a single video? We have the perfect plan for you. Our new Single Video Plan gives you all Starter features for a single video for just $59 per year. Click here to take advantage of this.

Coming Soon

Looking for a certain feature or ability? Tell us by taking this short survey.

We're working on a few things right now that we're excited to share with you:

  • Chapters: One of our most requested features, Chapters, will come to life soon. You’ll be able to add simple navigation points throughout the video that inform the viewer as to what is happening and lets them quickly jump around.
  • Moveable Buttons + Images: We're working on giving you the ability to drag and drop your interactions exactly where you want them to appear in the video
  • Show Image Action: Soon, the standard Mindstamp Actions will include the ability to show an image.


  • We've added a discounted Educator Plan to support self-funded teachers adapting to remote learning. Learn more here and then get in touch to take advantage of this offer.

Closing Thoughts

Mindstamp continues to grow and serve a variety of customers and use cases. We're more confident than ever in the value of interactive video and are excited to continue to improve the product for you.

If you’d like to contribute to our roadmap in the coming months, please let us know by taking this brief survey to tell us how you use Mindstamp and what you hope to achieve. If you have further questions, you can contact us.

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