Happy New Year! 🎉 We wish you a happy and healthy 2021.
You can now dynamically Show or Hide an interaction based on the value of a variable or a previous action the viewer has taken.
For instance, only show a “View Jobs” button if they clicked Yes when asked if they are looking for work. Variables can be set through interactions like Questions and Buttons, or passed in via the URL for instance from your CRM system or previous click actions.
Combined with simple A/B testing rules, Conditional Logic allows you to experiment and create the optimum experience for your audience. Conditional Logic is available for Enterprise customers.
If this interests you, please get in touch with us for a demo!
Ask for a Number or Date response by utilizing these new question types. Confirm a payment amount, ask a viewer’s birthday, and more!
New question types are available for all Mindstamp customers under the “Response Type” dropdown when asking a question. The format is maintained as part of a CSV data export or when pulled from the Mindstamp API.
Connect your Salesforce account to create and update Contacts and Leads collected from your Mindstamp videos. Record all Views and Interactions associated with a viewer in Salesforce and kick off automation based on the events happening in your video.
Salesforce integration is available for Enterprise customers and can be tailored with Salesforce process builder to create powerful customer engagement experiences. Contact us to learn more!
We're working on a few things right now that we're excited to share with you:
Our friends at Pyxl wrote a great piece on how interactive video will be crucial to marketing and sales efforts in 2021. With video continuing to explode in popularity, the personalized and interactive approach is one that will pay huge dividends to keep an audience engaged.
Mindstamp continues to grow and serve a variety of customers and use cases. We're more confident than ever in the value of interactive video and are excited to continue to improve the product for you.
If you’d like to contribute to our roadmap in the coming months, please let us know by taking this brief survey to tell us how you use Mindstamp and what you hope to achieve. If you have further questions, you can contact us.
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Connect with a specialist to find out if Mindstamp is for you!