Synthesia AI Interactive Video Integration
Import your videos created in Synthesia Studio in Mindstamp to create powerful and rich interactive videos in seconds!

What is Synthesia?
Synthesia is the #1 rated AI video creation platform that allows you to create incredible videos from plain text in minutes instead of days. You can choose from hundreds of AI avatar that can speak over 120 languages to generate high quality videos quickly and easily.
Mindstamp's Synthesia integration allows you to rapidly import your Synthesia videos into Mindstamp to enrich them with interactive elements such as buttons, questions, text, video branching, and more!

Sounds great! How can I start?
To start using your Synthesia videos in Mindstamp, simply head over to your Synthesia account, click on Settings, then choose Integrations. Create a new API key or copy an existing one:

Then, head to your Mindstamp Account Page, click the Integrations tab, then find the Synthesia section to drop your API key in:

Boom! Your account is now connected. Head to the new video page and select Synthesia as the video source to see your AI videos listed within Mindstamp. Choose one and you're off to the races!
Need help getting this set up or want more information on Mindstamp, Synthesia, or AI-based interactive video? We're just a message away!