What can a button do when clicked?

Buttons can trigger any of the following actions:

  • Show Message - Display a custom message on the screen when clicked.
  • Change Time - Change to a distinct time within the video to jump ahead or back.
  • Open Link - Open a distinct website URL in another tab.
  • Open Image - Open an image you upload to Mindstamp, such as a product specification or instructions.
  • Change Video - Change to another Mindstamp video entirely.
  • Play Video Clip - Pause the video and play a short video clip (on top of the existing video) that you either record in your browser (iPhone/iPad not supported) or upload to your asset library.
  • Play Audio Clip - Pause the video and play a short audio clip (on top of the existing video) that you either record in your browser or upload to your asset library.
  • Start Email  - Trigger a mailto: event to the email you define.
  • Start Call - Trigger a request to dial a specific number (works best on mobile).

All options are viewable in the Button Click Action drop down and then configured in the Action Value field.

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