How do I use Personalization and Dynamic variables?

One of the most powerful tools in the Mindstamp toolkit is personalization and dynamic content presentation. You can use these features to achieve any of the following outcomes:

  • Take some data in from an external system (like your CRM system) and present that data as text, in a button or as part of a dynamic image or URL.
  • Collect information from your viewer while they view the video (including what they click on and how they answer questions) and then present that information back to them later in the video.
  • Personalize interactions using the viewer's name, either captured at the start of the video or passed in via URL

Personalization and Dynamic Content are Core or Enterprise features on Mindstamp, though you can test them out during your free trial. Here is how it works.

Scenario 1: Pass data into Mindstamp and have that data display in your video.

To substitute a variable for data that you pass into Mindstamp, follow these simple steps:

  1. Wherever you want to substitute the data, choose a variable name and incorporate it between double brackets like this {{var_name}}, where ‘var_name’ in this case would be specific to your variable.
  2. So if you were passing data in about a customer’s renewal date, you might add {{renewal_date}} to a comment like this:

Your subscription is set to renew on {{renewal_date}}!

  1. Then, when launching the Mindstamp video, you would add the value of that variable to the URL using ?renewal_date=January 23, 2021. So a fully formed URL  might be:,%202021

NOTE: In the URL above, the spaces have been replaced by ‘%20’ as a standard URL parameter, which browsers will do automatically.

  1. When your viewer watches the video above (go ahead, click it), you’ll see the new content swapped in. Change it in the URL and what’s presented will change.

Scenario 2: Collect data from the viewer during the video and use that data in a later interaction.

  1. To collect data from a viewer, we simply need to designate a variable in the interaction itself. For instance, in a Multiple Choice question of ‘What is 2 + 2?’ you can store the answer as a variable. In the example below, we are setting the answer selected by the viewer to the variable ‘math’.

  1. Then, just like a variable we pass into the video, we can use that answer in a later interaction by using {{math}}. So as an example, we could show a button that says “Your answer: {{math}}”

  1. Then, after answering the question (with either answer, 4 or 8), it will present the variable in a later interaction, like this.

Go ahead, give it a try. Same video.,%202021

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