How Can I Edit a Video to Make it Interactive?

Video marketing is an effective strategy, and the advantages of using interactive features in your video content are proving to be even more powerful. With 70% of marketers saying interactive video engages audiences “well” or “very well,” and 68% of marketers believing it will continue to become a more important component of modern marketing mixes, it’s clear that interactive video marketing is the way to go.

So, what do we mean by interactivity? Interactive videos allow you to create dynamic experiences and present your video interactions based on what you already know about your viewers and what data you’ve collected from previous interactions they’ve had with your business. By doing so, you can provide your viewers with engaging, personalized content that helps them move down the funnel.

With the help of Mindstamp’s interactive video solution, you can easily create engaging videos by adding interactive features such as buttons, questions, hotspots, images, and more to your existing video marketing content. So how do you edit your videos to become interactive?
Let’s walk you through the different interactive features available, and how to edit your video to be interactive.

How to edit videos to add interactive features:

In this article, we will show you how to add interactive features like buttons, questions, hotspots, and images to your videos using Mindstamp.

To start adding interactive features to your videos, upload or link your existing video to Mindstamp’s interactive video platform. Check out this tutorial for more information on how to upload your video to Mindstamp.

All the tools you need to make your videos interactive are held in the interaction bar.

How to edit your video to add interactive buttons

Buttons are a powerful way to prompt viewer action and increase engagement. They have the power to open a URL link, change video time, start an email message, play a video or audio clip, prompt your viewer to subscribe, and more. You can add as many buttons as you want to your video, including multiple at the same time.

  1. To add a button, click ‘Add Button’ on the interaction bar.
  2. From here a sidebar will display on the right where you can change the button text, determine when it will show in the video and for how long, and tell the button where to link to.

  1. To change the design of the button you can click ‘Design’ then ‘Button Styles’ to customize the text color, background color, border radius, and border color.

Learn more about how to customize your buttons.

How to edit your video to add interactive questions

Questions pause your video at a chosen time to prompt a question and solicit a response from the viewer. You can choose from question types like free response, multiple-choice, dropdown select, drawing response, voice response, or even video response. 

  1. To edit your video to include an interactive question, click ‘Add Question’ on the interaction bar.
  2. From here, you will be able to determine when the question will show, the question type, the question that will display, and how long the question will be displayed on the screen. 

  1. To change the design of the question you can click ‘Design’ then ‘Question Styles’ to customize the background color, question width, and alignment.

How to edit your video to add clickable hotspots

Hotspots can turn any part of your video into a clickable area. They are perfect for labeling items in the video or creating clickable areas to drive actions such as Buy Now, Click-To-Call, and more. You can choose to have the hotspot indicator visible as well as if you want the video to pause for the hotspot.

  1. To add a question, click ‘Add Hotspot’ on the interaction bar.
  2. From here, you can customize your hotspot by changing its size, adjusting when it will appear on the viewers screen, adding a label, indicator, and/or background.
  3. To choose which action you would like to happen when the hotspot is clicked, click ‘Click Action’. Available actions include opening a link, changing the time of the video, opening another video, showing a message, collecting a response, and more.

Learn more about how to customize your hotspots.

How to edit your video to add linkable images

Images allow you to add clickable, static visuals throughout your videos that engage your viewer, add context or resources, and create interactive experiences. Adding images can prompt your viewers to open the image full size, while also having similar features to buttons like opening a URL link or changing the video time. 

  1. To add a question, click ‘Add Image’ on the interaction bar, and upload or link your static image to Mindstamp’s interactive video platform.
  2. On the sidebar, you can customize your image by adding a label, changing the rotation angle, pausing the video to show the image, and adjusting the duration that the image will be shown.
  3. Like buttons and hotspots, you can choose which action you would like to happen when the image is clicked, by clicking ‘Click Action’. Available actions include opening a link, changing the time of the video, showing a message, collecting a response, and more.


Adding interactive features like buttons, questions, hotpots, and images to your existing videos have the power to elevate your content and keep your viewers engaged. Keep that in mind the next time you are deciding how to edit your videos!

Want more? Mindstamp has a whole bunch of interactive features, including comments, personalization, drawing, dynamic navigation, and more. Request a demo with one of our Mindstamp experts to get an idea of all the different ways you can edit your video to be more interactive and engaging.

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